Your palace of complimentary financial resources that will elevate your finances & your life!

  1. Track your spending to gain a better understanding of your overall financial
    situation. This step is imperative to determine an accurate budget based on
    after-tax income.
  2. For at least one month, write down all your purchases (or list in a spreadsheet)
    and keep account of where you spend the most. Start thinking of ways you can
    reduce your spending in some areas. These funds can be reallocated to your
  1. W- Write it down. Seeing is believing.
  2. E- Envision your BIGGER future. See your future self!
  3. A- Affirm the urge you desire. SAY IT OUT LOUD.
  4. L – Listen to your soul. Don’t ignore the inner voice.
  5. T- Take action and set the tone.
  6. H – Hold the vision and watch it manifest!

Five Ways to Build or Repair Your Credit

  1. Become an authorized user on an account with a high credit limit and long credit history (i.e., an account that has been open for over two
  2. Reduce your debt balances and make payments on time.
  3. Obtain a secured credit card if your approval rate is low on major credit cards or retail cards.
  4. Request a credit limit increase periodically and update your income.
  5. Don’t use credit to purchase things you wouldn’t buy with cash!


Three Ways to Save

    1. Envelope Me Please: Set goals at the beginning of the year of at least
      three things you want to do financially. Create an envelop for each goal
      and make it pretty! On the front of each envelope write the dollar
      amount associated with the goal. Each pay day add the amount of your
      choice to each envelope and watch the money pile up!
    2. Apply The “50/30/20” Budgeting Rule: Your monthly income
      ultimately determines the amount you can “afford” to spend each
      month. When you plan your spending, you must incorporate saving.
      This rule says, your total income should be broken down by: Needs
      (50%), Wants (30%) and Savings (20%). If you have debt, that falls in the
      same bucket with your savings so split it according to your personal
      desires to get rid of your debt all together!
    3. $10 BLACK FRIDAY Challenge: Grab a clear container (or any object to hold your money) and each week, starting the first week of January, drop $10 in the container. At the end of November, you will have saved $470 towards your Black Friday shopping.

Five Reasons You Should Have a Business Plan

  1. Time to prove that you are serious about your business and worthy of
    being invested in.
  2. Identify a strategic long-term view of your business, versus making
    money and not understanding where its going.
  3. Get to know your competition, what works, what doesn’t, and what
    makes you one of a kind.
  4. Get to know your target audience and document a marketing strategy
    that will create business growth.
  5. Create new relationships and new business funding opportunities.


Steps To Building Business Credit

    1. Obtain your DUNS number. This is like obtaining a social security number for your business.
    2. Create a SAMs account. This allows you to obtain access to government contracts and funding.
    3. Apply for tradeline accounts. These entities report to DUNS and will increase your “PAYDEX” score, which is ultimately your business credit

At the age of 15, Tamika entered the world of motherhood and that changed her life forever.  Face by several dilemmas and insecurities, she never gave up, she continued to grind and make a way for herself and her daughter.  In June 2003, she graduated from Warwick High School (Newport News, Virginia).  She then attended Virginia Commonwealth University, where she obtained  her Bachelor’s in Accounting and a minor in Psychology.  

After working as a Staff Accountant for a large corporation in Richmond, VA, she relocated to Atlanta, GA.  She worked  in public accounting for 5 years at Ernst & Young in the Assurance Practice.  In 2016, she married her middle school sweet heart and she started a Consulting role in Accounting.  This career change not only provided her with more work-life balance, but also enhanced her mindset to start her own business in 2018.  

All of her accomplishments over the years are due to an incredible support system of family and friends.  While several family members were instrumental in helping her raise her daughter, her maternal grandmother, Catherine Dickerson, really kept her grounded mentally and financially.  She made sure that Tamika never missed a beat.  Tamika is forever grateful for everything her grandmother did for her.  As such, she has decided to give back to more young women in similar situations, naming this scholarship after her deceased grandmother.

This $500 scholarship award is intended to assist young motherʼs looking to further their education at the collegiate level. 

-Georgia and Virginia residents (DMV area)

 -High school seniors or 1st year college students (2 or 4 year college/ university) *active enrollment required

 -Must be child bearing or a parent currently 

-Completion of scholarship application

 -Submission of a 1-2 page essay (included in application)

-Copy of acceptance letter for school of choice (evidence of enrollment will be required prior to issuance of scholarship award) 

All applications and essays must be submitted by 5 PM on June 30, 2024. 

Official announcement will be made on July 8, 2024. A special dinner will be planned in lieu of the announcement, where the scholarship award will be presented.